External Hemorrhoid Treatment - Simple Ways To Deal With Painful Piles

Piles, or hemorrhoids, are when veins get swollen in the tissue around one's anus, causing sometimes painful bumps in the skin. This condition can be very embarrassing to the people who suffer from it. This is why an effective--and subtle--piles cure is necessary.

Depending on the severity of piles, in extreme cases, you may need to get surgery. The surgery will cost you a lot of money and might gives additional bad side effects therefore unless your piles have reached an extreme case, it is recommended to stay with natural piles treatment.

A piles cure is needed for both internal and external piles. External piles result in a lot of pain but there is no bleeding. The internal piles bring about a discharge of dark blood. In some cases the veins may also burst and this results in a condition that is known as bleeding piles. The other symptoms of piles are discomfort and pain after passing of stool, accompanied by soreness and irritation.

Ginger: Ginger is also very effective for hemorrhoid treatment. Half a teaspoon of fresh ginger juice, mixed with one teaspoon each of fresh lime juice and fresh mint juice and a tablespoon of honey constitutes effective remedy for piles naturally.

To this end, you can buy a bottle of witch hazel more info at the drug store, or you can find it in piles remedies such as Tucks pads. The witch hazel is part of the liquid ingredients that are impregnated into the pad. The pads cool off any burning sensations, cleanse, and soften the skin, so that the irritation can go away as soon as possible.

To find relief try putting an ice pack to the skin; this will help with the inflammation. Also, you can try bathing the area very gently with a diluted mixture of warm water and witch hazel. Lastly, you can sit in a warm bath daily; this seems to help immensely and is very calming.

Dried and powdered mango seeds are very effective in treating bleeding piles. 1-2 grams of this powder should be taken for best results. One can add few drops of honey for taste.

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